These 10,000 boring collectible characters were designed as a tribute to the legendary CryptoPunks, one of the first and most prominent examples of Non-Fungible Tokens minted on the Ethereum blockchain on June 9, 2017. Become a BoringPunk, celebrate the 6 year anniversary with us.


What is a BoringPunk?

BoringPunks are 2D art images, generated 1 to 1 with CryptoPunks. Created from 117 handmade traits to bring an edgy new look to the ogs of NFTs. Most are punky-looking guys and girls, but there are a few rarer types mixed in: Apes, Zombies and even the odd Alien.

How many BoringPunks exist?

There are exactly 10,000 BoringPunks. No more can be created. CryptoPunks initially were part of a custom smart contract developed by Larva Labs. To enable trading on ERC721-compatible platforms like Opensea, these characters had to be “wrapped” into an ERC721 token (Wrapped Punk) representing the original CryptoPunk. Not all CryptoPunks have been unwrapped however we are bringing all 10,000 to life in our collection.

Do holders own the IP rights to their BoringPunks?

As you mint and purchase your BoringPunks, we ensure that you acquire the intellectual property rights for each individual token, mirroring the precedent set by YugaLabs with their collections. This empowers you with a unique level of ownership and creative control.

Where can I buy BoringPunks?

If you would like to purchase your own BoringPunk we encourage users to browse on Opensea.

For inquiries, email [email protected]